So even though Im not in Baguio to celebrate my birthday, Im gonna do what I do every year. Im gonna watch a movie and eat pizza. Its what I've been doing since I was 15.
I remember last year I celebrated my birthday with my friends from work. If I remember correctly I was with Fido, Marvin, Mare, Pinky, and Francis.
These are pictures from my birthday LAST YEAR:
*I treated them for breakfast or our version of dinner at 50's Dinner. I spent almost 2000php but it was worth it.

(L-R) Fido, Francis, Mare, Marvin, Pinky, Me, Paolo
Pictures from my celebration with friends whis year will be delayed by a week or two coz Im going to celebrate with them when I go back to Baguio. But I did have fun last year and I find it extremely sad that I only get to talk to Francis and Fido becuase our circle of friends is no longer whole and others are fighting with others. But Im not gonna go into that. Im happy because it my birthday!!! A round of drinks for everyone!!!
Happy birthday to you!
HappY BiRthDay MorE PoWeR to yOur Blog
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