Thursday, April 21, 2011

Year One...

April 19 2010.

One year ago I left my home.

One year ago, I came to Manila and gambled on the possibility of having a better future.

One year ago, I got acquainted with people who would eventually become my closest friends.

One year ago, I braved the streets of Metro Manila without a clue of what's in store for me.

And one year ago, a new chapter of my life began.

I remember it fondly, how this Baguio boy walked the streets of Ayala trying to look for the building where he's suppose to work. He's only been there once so he was worried that he might take the wrong turn and end up miles away from the RCBC Tower.

He couldn't call his friends back home because they wouldn't be of much help and he was scared that they might point out that it was a mistake to come here. He was actually more worried about the fact that they might be right.

He was in shock of the people, the culture, the weather...oh dear God the weather which felt like being in a sauna in the middle of the Sahara Desert.

April 19, 2011

One year later, the boy from Baguio has made friends. Has memorized the streets of Ayala. Has got accustomed to the people, culture, and the weather. Though the heat still bothers him at times.

A year later, this Baguio boy has adjusted to the life here, but misses his home nonetheless. He has made fantastic friends, but his friends back home will always have a place in his heart.

A year later, the boy has been working for the same company, and is having the time of his life.

So much has happened in those 12 months... and he does not regret any of them.

Happy Anniversary to me and my batchmates. We survived one year.

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