They say that Lea Michele and Idina Menzel look very alike. Its all over the broadway blogs. I dont know why but I just don't see it. But I have to give it to Lea, she is a fantastic singer. I heard her sing On My Own. I wish she did Les Miserables. Lea Michele is part of the main cast of TV Show, Glee. Idina Menzel, well are any introductions needed for this broadway legend?
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Oh my lord. I cant believe the similarities between these two. Idina will always be my absolute fav broadway star and fav elphaba...but when it comes time for here to retire, which i hope is not anytime soon, Lea would most definetly provide enought pizazz to end everyones grieving. :)
Look alike?! No they don't! Ha! Idina Menzel is betterat singing too, Lea Michele is good though.
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