Thursday, November 27, 2008
Twilight and other things
After the movie, the three of us went around Baguio City and we we're out the whole night. All we did was talk and walk and talk and walk and spook some of the people in the street. I got home at around 6 am. And I haven't slept yet because I attended a Press Conference for the Department of Health. When I got home, this afternoon I found out that the unit next to mine was broken into. I dont know what was taken but all I can say is, serves them right for keeping the front door unlocked. Funny thing is, its the second time in 3 months that they got broken into. And little old me, Im safe in my apartment.
Well that sums it up. Again, watch out for Volume 2 of the Attrocities of Friendster. Its gonna be bigger and better. Also thank you to all of you who have been texting and e-mailing me saying you found it mean but very funny. Hope you like the next one.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My new toy...
Im gonna have this for a while then Im gonna dispose it in the future. Like I do with all of my phones.
Monday, November 10, 2008
A survey I'm willing to take
** nonexistent...LOLz
2) What is your fave song for now?
** Never never land. I dont know the artist.
3) What is your current mood?
** a bit sleepy and very full
4) Cigarettes or beer?
** cigarettes. I dont drink beer.
5) What happened to you last night?
** I was at Darnell's house eating pasta
6) Have you ever fallen in love witha friend?
** Yes I have....
7) Do you have a bestfriend?
** yes. What kind of loser doesn't?!
8) Crush?
** yeah i guess..
9) Which do you prefer: jollibee ormcdo?
** McDonalds all the way!
10) What did you do to the person whobroke your heart?
** I broke her arm... haha joking. I dont talk to her anymore.
11) Do you have problems?
** Yes I do.Do you?
12) Last person you kissed?
** Janelle. But only on the cheek.
13) Hows life?
** I've had better. I've had worse.
14) Hiphop or emo?
** I guess EMO.
15) What will you do this weekend?
** Swimming with old workmates. Hopefully.
16) Are you a war freak?
** Not exactly but keep distance when I'm mad.
17) What do you think of the most whenyou are alone?
** Why the fuck am I alone?.
18) Is your friendster set to private?
** yes... I think...
19) Who's the most important person inyour life?
** the person I see when I look at a mirror
20) How many piercings do you have?
** one
21) Do you remember your dreams?
** Is this rhetorical or literal?
22) What do you have to do before yousleep?
** watch TV
23) Who was the last person you talkedto on the phone?
** My mom
24) Who was the last person you talkedto in person?
25) Is someone mad at you right now?
** Maybe but I dont really give a fart.
26) Do you ever hang out with someoneof the opposite sex?
** Yes. Jacky.
27) Have you ever had a reptile as apet?
** Yes a garden snake. The green one. It freaked my dad out.
28) Who was the last who missed call onyour cell phone?
** I think it was Jacky.
29) Have you ever finished a rubikscube?
** Of course I have. Im a smarty... *evil laugh*
30) When was the last time you rode abike?
** I have no f-ing idea.
31) Are you wearing socks right now?
** nope.
32) Do you like mornings?
** sure... its when I go to bed.
33) Will you donate organs after youpass away?
** Question is, will they accept the black market organs that make me up?
34) Do you drink tea?
** yes. black and green.
35) Have you ridden in someone else'scar today?
** uhm...nope
36) Is your room clean?
** yes I just cleaned it.
37) What should you be doing?
** sleeping
38) Whats the connection between youand the last person you texted?
** new acquaintance
39) What kind of people do you hate?
** People who have opposite beliefs than me... Hahaha
40) Has anyone gotten on your nerves lately?
41) Do you think you'll be married in10 years?
** hopefully
42) When it is a rainy night, what doyou do most of the time?
** wait for the vampires to comeand take me away...
43) If you’ll go on a date, what wouldyou like to do?
** watch a movie and eat
44) What do you do when you see a fullmoon?
** i howl at the moon and race from village to village stealing the young ones
45) Would you rather swim in the lakeor dive in the ocean?
** I dont know if that'll work. Im water-proof.
46) What would be the best partner of a good cup of coffee?
**an upper or a downer. Whichever.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My ZIPS are finally here

Sorry about the Quality. Its was dark in room. Ever since I got, I cant get my hands of them. Its soooo much fun. Well for those of you who have been living under rocks, POI Dancing/Spinning was inspired by the dance called "Maori" from New Zealand. In Poi dancing you swing the Pois/Zips in certain rythmical patterns to create different forms. There are different types of POI's. There are Fire Poi's, LED Poi's, Flag Poi's, Ribbon Poi's like mine and much more. Here is an example of the patterns created by POI's when photographed with slow shutter speed:
*LED Poi's were used for this.
Again I would like to thank my friend Leo for my first pair of zips. I'll be ordering a new one this week. If you want a pair of zips which are of excellent quality yet affordable, dont hesitate to contact him at
*I would also like to that for the image
I'll be posting a video or pictures of me zipping soon.